
insert parentheses to make the equality a true statement.12+3*8-8÷4=16

Accepted Solution

Answer:12+[(3*8-8)÷4]=16Step-by-step explanation:The given expression is:12+3*8-8÷4=16Now to insert parenthesis in this statement to make it equality statement we will follow the rule of BODMAS:BODMAS stands for Bracket, Of, Division,Multiplication,Addition, Subtraction.It explains the order of expression to solve an expression. If an expression contains (), {}, [], we have to solve or simplify the brackets first and then division, multiplication,addition and subtraction from left to right.Now take an example of the given statement and place parenthesis:12+3*8-8÷4=1612+[(3*8-8)÷4]=16According to BODMAS rule simplify the terms inside () completely and then [ ].12+[(24-8)÷4]=1612+[16÷4]=16When we divide 16 by 4, it gives the answer 4.12+ 4 =1616 = 16Hence we have made the statement true by inserting parenthesis in order. 12+[(3*8-8)÷4]=16 ....