
The sum of two numbers iş -316. One number is 94 less than the other. Find the numbers.

Accepted Solution

Answer:One number is -111 and the other is -205.Step-by-step explanation:First, form the equation. Since the two numbers equal -316, the equation would equal -316. The equation is as follows:-316 = n + (n - 94).To solve you do the following steps:1. Remove the parenthesis. The new equation is -316 = n + n - 942. Combine like terms: -316 = 2n - 943. Move the 2n to the left side of the equation by subtracting it from both sides:-316 = 2n - 94-2n    -2n-2n - 316 = -944. Move the -316 to the right side of the equation by adding it to both sides:-2n - 316 = -9      + 316   + 316-2n = 2225. Divide both sides by - 2-2n/ -2 = n222/-2 = -111Therefore, n = -111To get the other number, subtract 94 from -111.-111 - 94 = -205.